…physical health and fitness
57% more teens were sleep deprived in 2015 than in 1991 When they should be sleeping 80% of teens are using smartphones Smartphones are contributing to obesity Children’s myopia risk (shortsightedness) is linked to smartphone use Habitual use of smartphones causes musculoskeletal problems Paediatricians, chiropractors and physiotherapists are warning of “text neck syndrome”
…mental and emotional health
There has been a 98% increase in depression since 2004 10% of under 17s have attempted suicide Hospitalisation rates for self-harm have increased by 140% since 2010 24% of UK girls aged 17 have self-harmed 84% of bullying in children with smartphones, takes place online Loneliness has doubled in children since 2012
…focus and brain changes
Smartphones reduce memory and recall accuracy, even when not in use 46% of teens say they use their phones “almost constantly” MRI scans of young children shows screen time reduces the size of the brain areas responsible for visual processing, empathy, attention, complex memory and early reading skills Children who spend 5-7 hrs/day on a […]
…social skills and development
Children with smartphones spend longer in a virtual world without human interaction The quality of family relationships and friendships decreases for every year younger a child is given a smartphone The daily average of 5-8 hours adds up to 1,000 to 2,000 hours a year that would otherwise be spent in face-to-face social interactions, learning […]
…sexual behaviour and content
80% of teenage girls are being put under pressure to provide sexual images of themselves 90% of girls and 50% of boys say they and their peers are sent explicit pictures or videos of things they do not want to see 51% of 11 to 13 year olds say they have seen pornography online 36% […]